Space Spells (2021)

As engineers and researchers reach for the stars – does democracy stay grounded?
In May 2021, Space Spells & LitUp! want to put the spotlights on democracy in space. Join us for free and under the open sky for inputs, discussions, and a guided creative writing experience on democracy in space –

Let’s engage in the spells of space, write & read our own space spells!

Convened by Yris (transdisciplinary artist and researcher in political sciences), Caro (exoplanet researcher), Diana (sun storm specialist), Olivier (builds stuff with code) and Sam (climate risk researcher and poet).

  • Saturday, 8 May 2.30 pm: Space Spells I – input & writing workshop
  • Sunday, 23 May 3.00 pm: Space Spells II – free air literature salon
  • Sunday, 4 July 2.30 pm: Space Spells III – world building workshop
Location: Waldsofa (Zurich, Switzerland) and Rothaus, Zurich